
i keep it comin' with the...oooooo

*hud finally got to have his party. little chilly but the kids didn't care!

*andy and i had our ***GASP*** 20 year reunion. much fun. saw a few special friends that made my heart very happy.

 *abby got to dance with sweet friends at a wylie east game...and her partner was an akin frog from lomg ago. feeling old.

 *carved pumpkins with the kids from the 'hood

*jman had his dreams come true at the aggie game with daddy. the pictures speak for themselves...

*homecoming for my boys of fall. yes, i know. homecoming for anyone less than 16-18 years old??? you do what ya gotta do.

(i'm saving a super incredible important event for its own post. moving on...)

*halloween 2012
i was single mom for this one, but we had a great time with great friends...even though we missed daddy!

*daddy had an another anniversary of his 29th birthday

*we had pj day at school (unheard of if you know how my principal abhors pj days)

*abby's put 2 competitions under her belt - and was invited to crossover to the next level squad. we now live at the gym but it's what my girl LOVES!

*thanks to a little help from a new friend AND johnny football, j FINALLY agreed to cut his hair. i'm not allowed to say "i told you so" - j even said he was starting to feel a little feminine. cracks me up.

*we had a gift exchange and hayride to look at lights with neighbor friends

more catching up to do...but time to hang with my honey :)


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