
decades go by faster than i thought

i'll cover christmas and new year's eve/day soon.

today my baby turned 10. i still remember eating pizza with a hidden jalepeno on january 6, 2002 and waking up in labor a little after midnight. of course, i remember the epidural NOT working. i remember holding him for the first time and andy fighting over who gets to hold him ;) i remember driving home to the aggie band. being terrified of his first snow. a million nuks. an almost unhealthy love of thomas the train and j pretending to wax thomas' eyebrows after watching mama have it done. thinking we were superheros like the incredibles. first soccer, first t-ball, first day of kindergarten, first broken bone, first football game...i could go on forever. oh how we adore this boy. happy 10th birthday j-man!

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